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The Upside of Alternative and/or Unregulated Lenders
A recent report from the Bank of Canada reviewed the impact of the government's policy changes on the mortgage market. It found that overall market activity had slowed -- something we knew would...
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Separation, divorce and your mortgage
Separation, divorce and your mortgage Separation and divorce can impact a family on many levels including financially. It's a stressful process for all concerned. In addition, there may be the...
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5 Tips for Success
5 Tips for SuccessBy Mark Kerzner, President TMG The Mortgage GroupA colleague asked me recently if I could share a couple of things that I do each week that helps me to be successful.I often look to...
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Confused about your credit score – you're not alone
Confused about your credit score – you're not alone Here’s a typical scenario: You and your spouse are applying for a mortgage loan. You’ve had credit for years with three or four credit cards, a...
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